Nose & Sinus Conditions
Dr Bhatia treats all conditions affecting the nose and sinuses including:
Blocked nose (nasal obstruction)
Chronic sinusitis with or without nasal polyps
Blocked nose due to hay fever/allergies (Allergic rhinitis)
Obstructive sleep apnoea and snoring
Post-nasal drip
Excessively runny nose (Rhinorrhoea)
Nose bleeds (Epistaxis)
Tumours of the nose or sinus
Broken nose
Functional rhinoplasty
Revision nasal surgery
Cerebrospinal fluid leaks from the nose (CSF leak)
Vasomotor rhinitis
Many nasal conditions can be managed with medication and non-surgical options. However, sometimes surgery is recommended for the management of certain conditions. Dr Bhatia has completed a further year of dedicated advanced sinus and nasal surgical fellowship training. Some of the common nasal operations he performs include
Adenoidectomy (removal of residual adenoid tissue located at the back of the nose)
Septoplasty (straighten the internal wall that divides the left and right nostrils)
Turbinoplasty (surgical reduction of the nasal turbinates)
Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery aka FESS (surgery to open the surgical drainage pathway of the paranasal sinuses. This is to treat chronic sinusitis.)
Cautery to the nose (to stop recurrent nose bleeds, where other options such as ointments or silver nitrate cautery has failed)
Nasal biopsy (biopsy procedure for abnormal nasal lesions)
Repair of septal perforation (repair of septal perforations due to previous trauma or surgery)
Uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP)
Excision of nasal tumours or skull base lesions.
Book an Appointment
Dr Bhatia consults with patients in Macquarie Uni, Hornsby and Eastwood. He welcomes both public and private patients and currently has no wait times, ensuring patients are seen quickly.